The VC Reporter, Ventura's local entertainment rag, has perhaps the most retarded letter to the editor that I have ever read...
Just when you thought, “What next?” it appears that the pro-war forces have now infiltrated the fashion industry. Apparently the media has brainwashed people to the extent that now many of us think nothing of walking around promoting the military, war, and the senseless killing of human beings.
Just step into your nearest clothing store and you’ll see why. Camouflage sneakers, socks, sandals, pants, shorts, shirts, hats and even underwear are everywhere. Oh, and don’t forget the fashion accessories — dog tags, military boots, and camouflage wallets, belts and backpacks are also all the rage.
It is especially distressing to see military-style clothing on children. What are parents thinking as they dress their young children in Army clothes? Do they want their children to join the military? Do they want their children to be sent to Iraq?
I was in a children’s clothing store the other day when a lady brushed by me and exclaimed “Oh, cute!” as she nabbed a pair of toddler-sized camouflage pants off the rack.
Have our minds gotten so twisted that war is now “cute?”
God help us.
Diana Hirth
Thousand Oaks
Look, I am a big, fat, flaming anti-war liberal and I too am against the glorification of war, but camouflage clothes have nothing to do with it. Camo clothes have been around FOREVER. They were popular when I was young, they were popular during the Clinton peaceful years and they are popular now. They come in all sorts of colors. Pink, blue, purple - you name it. But the one color they don't come in is the color that they are actually wearing in Irag right now, Khaki. You don't walk into Hot Topic and find sandstorm camo anywhere.
Only super sensitive PC'ers who haven't been to the mall since the 60's and are looking for anything to complain about really think that a camouflage wallet is promoting war. Get a grip already and complain about something meaningful. This is why the word liberal is a dirty word. You are bringing us all down.