
April Fool's Day Sucks!

Posted by Brandon |

Everybody is so damn clever with their April Fool's posts today that I thought I would sit down and write one of my own. But after sitting here for half an hour without anything written, I have given up.

What kind of writer am I that I can't figure out how to write just one damn April Fool's Day post? That's it. I'm out of ideas. Writing this blog has zapped me of all my funny and today is the day that I am totally and completely running on empty.

So, I have decided to pack it in. Down With Pants! will cease to exist as of this evening. Enjoy it while you can.


Anonymous said...

You're the kind of writer that just won my heart ;)

Avitable said...

Nice. Subtle and clever, yet obvious.

kapgar said...

Bad. Just plain bad. Give it up. ;-)

Karl said...

what? you're still here?

DutchBitch said...

Yeah right... Ha-Ha-Ha...
