
I'm a Cell Out

Posted by Brandon |

Today I did the unthinkable. I got a cell phone. It's my first ever personal cell phone (I had one given to me at work once) and it's frickin' cool. It's a Helio Hero and it has so many sweet features like unlimited text messaging, internet surfing, 2.0 megapixel camera and manly looking manliness, that I couldn't pass up the good deal that work was cutting me.

And it has already come in handy. In a massive rush to get away from work today, I locked my keys in my trunk. Luckily, I had my new Hero and I called AAA, then I took a picture of myself looking pissed about locking my keys in my car, uploaded it to MySpace, and now I bring it to you. This thing kicks ass!

By the way, my last post apologizing to everybody started out as a rant about the stupid way that public people apologize nowadays. You know, the "if you were offended by what I said, then I am sorry". That is such a meaningless apology. It doesn't show remorse or that they don't really mean what they said. It only means that they are sorry that people don't agree with them. I don't know why anybody demands apologies or why they then accept them after hearing that bullshit.

Anyway, it got a little out of control when instead, I decided to apologize in the same way. So If you were offended by my last post in any way, then I am very sorry. For those of you who weren't, rock on bitches! Wooooo Hooooo!!!


Avitable said...

Are you doing that pay per post advertising thing?

Dave2 said...


Anonymous said...

OK hand it over RIGHT NOW! That is much too expensive and cool toy for a young boy to be toying around with... Mobile phones are a serious matter... for us old people...

Anonymous said...

but Brandon, don't call it a cell phone...it's a HELIO! Haven't you see the Konichiwa (sp?) commercial? :D

Brandon said...

Avitable - I'm not sure what that is, tell me more.

Dave - Yeah! Go Dawgs!!!

Dutchy - Your right. Look for it in your mailbox right after hell freezes over.

Webmiztris - I know, I know, that's what everything on the packaging said. I haven't seen that commercial though.

Dustin - I'm going to go on and try to pretend that you aren't a Duck fan. But my opinion of you has been forever tainted.

Brandon said...

Sorry Dutchy, "YOU'RE" right. Avitable is going to get me over this one.

Avitable said...

Am I that predictable?

Yes, I guess I am.

Joshua Blevins Peck said...

Well, there's one less of us in the world w/out a cel phone. I'm going to resist forever!

I also think we should get rid of computers and cars and go back to handwritten letters and trolleys, but that's just me.
