
DWP! Suggestion Box

Posted by Brandon |

So Down With Pants! seems to be in a little bit of a rut. I, for whatever reason, made three posts this week between my two blogs. That is probably a new low for me since I started my second blog and I need to remedy that. I guess part of the problem is that I am a little spent for good ideas. Sure I could tell you about the Dukes of Hazzard but I would just be rehashing what other critics have said (I kind of liked it) and I would be boring even myself (and I think I am hilarious!).

So instead I'd like to just open the floor for suggestions. I will give you three solid paragraphs (if not more) on any subject. Anything that comes across your mind you want to hear about, whether it be something about me, nuclear physics, advice, dog grooming tips, whatever, I will answer. I will take the first five comments and write a post for each this week. I really hope this works because I think it could be a lot of fun.

Thank you in advance.

