Today Death? and I traveled to the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley to pick up our Christmas tree at the Carnation Tree Farm (our new favorite place to get a tree) and found two incredible roadside attractions.
1. Segis Pietertje Prospect, AKA Possum Sweetheart...

Fresh off of cutting down our tree, emboldened with a sense of adventure, we set out to find Possum Sweetheart. About five miles north of Carnation just off of Carnation Farms Road sits this heifer of a memorial. It honors Segis Pietertje Prospect, a Holstein who in 1920 set the world record for most milk produced in a year by churning out 37,361 pounds of milk. The plaque goes into great detail about Possum and the record and delivers this solidly true statement. Cows.."nobly deserve the title, 'Foster Mother of the Human Race." Learn more about Possum here. Picture stolen from here.
2. XXX Root Beer Drive-In...

Following our stop to see Possum Sweetheart and a quick cheese finding mission we then headed back to Seattle but got distracted in Issaquah by the XXX Root Bear Drive-In. Having eaten hours ago at the good but skimpy Longshoreman's Daughter in Fremont we were quite hungry and our stomachs overruled our minds. Good thing breakfast wasn't very big because the XXX doesn't skimp and the food is incredible.
First we ordered XXX Root Bear, Death? had the 24 ounce mug while I went with the 34 ouncer and it was just about the best root beer I've ever had. Then we ordered food and I had the Cameo 49, a footlong Philly cheesteak sandwich smothered in XXX sauce, XXX gravy, green peppers, grilled onions and mushrooms. Death? ordered one of the most modest sounding hamburgers on the menu and it was still freaking humongous.
One of the sandwiches on the menu consists of ham, a hamburger patty, bacon and a hot dog (I think there may have been even one more meat product as well) with cheese. Everything is huge and messy and they will not give you a fork or knife no matter what, so don't even bother asking. We didn't even eat dinner tonight since we have been completely full ever since and I may not eat breakfast in the morning. Learn more about the historic XXX here (it's also where I stole the picture).
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