
*Start Frustrated Political Rant*

Posted by Brandon |

If that old, fake, stupid douchebag John McCain and this sorry excuse for a woman Sarah Palin somehow pull off a victory in this election, I won't be able to deal with Americans anymore. If Obama/Biden can't take this horrible, unelectable duo to the cleaners come November, I'm totally done with the Democrats. This should be a slam dunk, and yet, I'm starting to get the feeling that despite the complete ineptitude and idiocy that is McCain/Palin, it's going to be far too close for comfort.

I'm not usually one to talk about the liberal/conservative media biases, but what the media is becoming is a Las Vegas oddsmaker. Oddsmakers in Vegas do what they can to make the betting on a game perfectly even. The odds change based on that balance. The media right now is trying to make this a perfectly even contest. That's the only way I can figure out that any self respecting analyst/journalist can possibly sit there and say that Sarah Palin did a good job with her speech tonight or is even a decent candidate for Vice President. They should be hammering her and McCain into the ground based on their very public records, but they aren't, and that's just unbelievable. I don't think that the media wants one party or the other to win, they just simply want great television for the next couple months. And sadly, I think their strategy is working.

I very sincerely fear for our country.

*End Frustrated Political Rant, for now*


Dave2 said...

And now Obama is going to appear on The O'Reilly Factor tomorrow. The entertainment value on that one aught to be a 9.8...

Anonymous said...

B-I love you like my brother's best man....on that note....as a flip flop repub.....can we just get back to the normal (okay, that will never happen) running of OUR country...neither one of the canidates has actually put anything out there that says to me..."Vote for ME"....dammit, where is Ross when you need the outsider vote.

Avitable said...

I'm with you.

Unknown said...

I actually kind of liked her during in her speech b/c she just seemed regular to me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to vote for her or think that she should be VP.

MC said...

Becky, Jamie Lee Curtis said something similar the other day.

marty mankins said...

I fear the worst, too. But hopefully there will be more people that want change than people that want Bush III and Hockey Mom in the White House.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing Brandon, I posted a similar rant on my blog on the same day, at almost the same time that you did on your blog. Creepy.
