
My Ikea Weekend

Posted by Brandon |

My whole weekend, basically, was spent Ikea-ing.

On Saturday, we left for Ikea at 10 AM and didn't get back to our house until around 3 PM. That's actually not that bad for a trip to Ikea for us. When we first moved to California, we easily spent five hours in the Burkbank Ikea trying to figure out what to do with our apartment. But we had a plan this time and got it done in decent time.

Too bad we couldn't get everything we wanted in the car. After dropping mommy, Addie and all the crap off at home - 26 miles from the closest Ikea - I had to go back. I left at 4:00 and got home at around 7:30. We then built all the stuff we bought until after 1 AM. Oh yeah, we know how to party.

But it was all worth it because the Down With Pants! worldwide headquarters got a major upgrade...

The old computer room/office/junk room/secret lair is now starting to look like just a computer room/office/secret lair. It's not all put together or organized and the rest of the room is still messy, but it's starting to come along, finally, just four months after we moved in.

So here's to blogging in style and comfort! Cheers! Now I'm sure this blog will take off across the internets. Yeah, the old crappy desk must've been the problem.

BLOG CULTURE BOXERS NEEDED - I need two more people for this week's Blog Culture Box. If you are interested in participating this week or any future weeks, please leave me a comment. Thanks!


Dan said...

I'm just about to set off to ikea myself, although I don't intend to buy anything, just let the kids bounce on the beds.

I'm up for a bit of blog culture boxing. (dghughes28(at)yahoo.co.uk)

kapgar said...

Ikea has become a verb? Oh no.

And if you're okay with reusing somebody, I'm up for some culturimification.

Avitable said...

I hate Ikea with a passion. And if you ever need people to fill a hole in your Blog Culture Box, email me. I'm always up for it.

PaintingChef said...

You know somehow... I've made it 31 years without ever stepping foot in an Ikea...

Once you pick your jaw up off the floor, I'd love to volunteer for the Blog Culture Box. Those are great!

Anonymous said...

I'm always up to get in your box... um... wait... anyway!

love Ikea... hate putting the stuff together!!

I bet people could make money being "professional Ikea assemblers"... just put an ad up on CraigsList and go door to door putting foreign furniture together!

Brandon said...

Dan - Ikea is so kid friendly, that's arguably the best part about it. Oh, and you're in. I'll email the questions tonight.

Kapgar - Yep, it's a verb because it is unlike any other kind of shopping. I'm trying to not reuse yet. I'll let you know though.

Avitble - I have mixed Ikea feelings and I can understand hating it with a passion. Like I said to Kapgar, I'll let you know.

Paintingchef - Do you live near one? Because for years we were nowhere near one. Oh, and you're in for the next one. I'll email you tonight with the questions.

toriblaine - I actually kind of enjoy the putting together, it's the shopping that I hate. I'll put you down on my list of volunteers for next time.

Unknown said...

I love Ikea, but get frustrated with the crowdson the weekends, so I rarely go. It's a huge time-suck though.

I'll be on your list if you ever need volunteers.

marty mankins said...

Ikea is my friend. And we have one pretty close to us now about 10 miles away... used to have to go to the one in Orange County... about 650 miles.

Nice looking new headquarters.

Brandon said...

Becky - Weekends are brutal. The weekday is the only time to go. And I'll put you on my list for next week.

Marty - I almost drove from Cincinnati area to Chicago for Ikea when I lived in Indiana. I should have instead of sleeping on the horrible futon I bought at Wal-Mart for a few months.

Anonymous said...

I totally need to get a functional desk like that. I've got this setup at my place that looks pretty but isn't nearly so functional, especially for a photographer. I have no place for my printers/photos/drawing pad... etc etc. How much is a desk like this? Looks great!
