
Treat Yourself to a Little Cinema

Posted by Brandon |

Since a good portion of us don't get Martin Luther King Jr. Day off anymore, I propose that we the people take a personal holiday Friday and spend the whole day at the cinemas. There are just so many incredible movies opening that day, we should get them all in one sitting...

First film: How She Move - Oh yeah, another dance/step film. What a great way to get the day and the juices flowing. A little light hearted battling to lead us into...

Second film: RAM-MOTHER-FUCKING-BO - Woooooooo hooooooo! USA! USA! USA! I just pray it doesn't devolve into some taught political thriller. I want the taste of terrorist blood on my lips when we head across the multiplex to see...

Third film: Untraceable - Ooooo....a horror/thriller film about the perils of the internet? This is sure to be both plausible and shit your pants ridiculous. Nothing like torture on a Friday night.

Fourth film: Meet The Spartans - From the terrors of Untraceable to what looks like it could become an all-time funny classic. Perfect! What a way to end the evening.

So, who's with me for this grand quadruple-header? Bueller?


Avitable said...

I do think I'm going to see Rambo. I'm excited about it, even!

Anonymous said...

These were certainly top-notch suggestions. However, we instead decided to see There Will Be Blood which was excellent. Sorry.
