
DWP! a 2006 Weblog Awards Finalist?

Posted by Brandon |

I hate to admit this, but I am anxiously awaiting tomorrow's announcement of the 2006 Weblog Awards finalists. I nominated Down With Pants! in the TTLB Ecosystem Based Best of the Top 6751 - 8750 category and The Sports Logo Pundit in the Best Of The Rest category and after surfing through some of the nominees, I really think that both have a good chance at being named finalists. I might even be a little bit disappointed if they aren't picked.

It would be a huge deal to me because of how down I have been about blogging over the past few weeks. I still love doing it, but I have seen a significant drop in comments, visits and blogger friends lately and whenever I hit one of these valleys, it makes me a little bit depressed. I openly admit that I'm not the best blogger in the world based both on the content of my sites as well as my lack of commenting on other people's blogs (the number one way to build readership), so it shouldn't surprise me that nobody is hanging on my every last word. But when there are, it motivates me to do better. I shouldn't need that motivation, I should put the same quality into every post, but when people are paying attention, it's a lot easier.

So here I sit, not reminiscing about a fun and interesting weekend or thinking about how my dream job is currently hiring or writing a letter to the new sports team in town offering my services or buying Christmas presents. Instead I am sadly sitting here, antsy in anticipation for tomorrow's announcements, writing a whiney, whoa is me, post. Has Down With Pants! officially hit rock bottom?


Dave2 said...

Well, best of luck to you then!

Greg said...

Dude-- I'm not seeing it. If that's the case, you were robbed!!!

Anonymous said...

Well? What happened?

Brandon said...

I got jobbed. Woo Hoo.
