
Wondering What I'm Doing?

Posted by Brandon |

I got a job with the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce. I'm designing their new tourism posters. It's going great so far...

I think it's a pretty effective campaign.


jonb (juan grande) said...

"Hey, That lady has snakes in her hai..."

Nice! now, if you can just get rid of the 'stoners'

Whit said...

That campaign is rock solid.

Avitable said...

That old guy in the wheelchair has quite a weird bulge in his crotch.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your job, dude!

Brandon said...

Alphadaddy & Whit - I'm glad that my lack of punchline skills left an opening for you two. Nice work!

Avitable - I'll have to check that out next time I'm down there, maybe get a wheelchair ride.

Hilly - I wish I had that job, I was just kidding.

Unknown said...

I like how the one guy's mouth is hanging wide open, but I was most distracted by the enormous grandpa crotch.

marty mankins said...

Congrats, dude. Very well deserved.

Poppy said...

This made me laugh out loud. :)
