
Ok, So November Might Be...

Posted by Brandon |

Yes, I've decided to delay Down With Pants! Mustache Month for at least one month. First of all, there didn't seem to be much interest, but that doesn't matter that much. The most important issue at hand that I did not take into account is that October 31st is Halloween, of course. I have been considering many different costumes but I think I have decided to go as Dog The Bounty Hunter this year and I need to grow myself a beard instead...

Death? is thinking she will go as his wife, Beth, although I think that she should stick with her first idea: The Landlady from Kung Fu Hustle. Either way, the most important thing is that we find a Halloween party to attend. In Seattle we went to a great party for the past two years where every single person was dressed up and they were really creative. We need to find basically the same thing, but in Ventura.

But back to Mustache Month. I think I am going to combine Mustache Month with National Novel Writing Month in November and write a novel about my mustache as well as keeping track of the social experiment that Mustache Month was meant to be. That really sounds busy...but I think I'm up to it.

Finally, I totally forgot to take my camera to my softball game tonight which was a huge shame because we played against a super serious, mulletted, son of a bitch that would have been perfect. He either plays before us or after us next week so if I can remember to bring my camera, he will definitely be the "Super Serious Rec League Softball Player of the Week". He would shoot to the top of the list for "Super Serious Rec League Softball Player of the Year" as well as leading the league in voting for the MVM (Most Valuable Mullet) award.

