
Two Rants

Posted by Brandon |

1. Today I saw an amazing sight. In this age of rampant cell phone usage in every inappropriate place we have seen just about everything and I'm sure what I saw was fairly normal, however, it still blew my mind. While I was getting gas today a car pulled up with three mid-30's women in it and a baby. One woman got out of the car with the cell phone in hand chatting away. I looked in the car and the woman in the front seat was talking on her phone. I checked the back seat and sure enough the woman back there was on her phone. Next to her sat the baby, crying at the top of it's lungs. For god's sakes! Put down your phones, take care of the baby, pump your gas and talk to each other!

2. When did it become acceptable to bring a dog into a grocery store? In the past year I've seen many instances of this (all at Fred Meyers, my favorite supermarket in the world). Look, if someone needs a seeing eye dog, sure, that's totally fine. But your average, everyday purse dog has no business in the frozen foods! Do people not realize that there is food in Fred Meyers? To these people if you are reading...Your dog has hair, it's going to shed and probably slobber and I'm going to forget to wash the apple I bought. Yuck! So please, leave your stupid rat dog at home you idiot. It doesn't make you cuter. It's not an accessory for your outfit. It's a fucking dog and it's disgusting. (I really do love dogs, just not in the supermarket!)

