
Bored Bosses...

Posted by Brandon |

Down With Pants! is sick of bosses. I currently have three jobs, and on Thursday two of my bosses (the owner of one of the companies, and the head honcho of our department at the other. Neither of which are G, my drunken rampaging boss who is a completely different story and neither are from the Aquasox) went completely and obsessively nutzo.

Really, who notices the dust seven feet off of the ground on the top of a heating pipe? Or who sees one little scrap of paper on the floor and proclaims that "this department is out of control"? A bored boss with nothing better to do, that's who.

Of course people will say, "that attention to detail is what gets them to where they are today." To which I reply, "shut the hell up you fascist sympathizing pig!"

So today DWP! would publicly like to say to all of the bosses out there please, for the love of god, find something to do. We find things to do all day long. Our days are currently full. Other people have found plenty for us to do. We don't need you coming around and creating a crisis over virtually nothing, even if some of us have been peeing on the walls.

