

Posted by Brandon |

Addie and I were on Cute Overload today and we ran across this awesome video...

Now, if you think that video is funny - and I most certainly do - imagine what a 15 month old would think of it. Actually, you don't have to imagine, I caught it on video...

This is kind of mild laughter since this is actually the third time she watched it. The first time she laughed so hard that she couldn't catch her breath which in turn made me laugh so hard I couldn't catch my breath which in turn made Death? laugh so hard she couldn't catch her breath. And the second time we watched it, she laughed even harder.

Death? reminded me of when Addie was about a month old and I was really frustrated because I couldn't get her to smile. I worked my butt off just trying to get something - I'd have taken a gas smile even - only to be met with a quizzical stare. Needless to say, my worry that she would be completely humorless is totally gone.


Bubblewench said...

that is hysterical. Have 5 cats, they are too funny!

And your Addie is so adorable!


marty mankins said...

Curious cats are the most fun when you give them something to be more curious about. Like a large box.

Love Addie's laugh. So fun to watch the reaction of kids to something funny.

Peeved Michelle said...

Cute! I am going to have to show this to Kenna tonight and see what she does.

Unknown said...

That was so cute -- there's nothing sweeter than the sound of a child's laugh.

Poppy said...

I felt so bad for Maru, and then! IN THE BOX, IN THE BOX, IN THE BOX FTW!

I totally need to post this.

Unknown said...

So fun to watch the reaction of kids to something funny.

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